Due to the large amount of demos we receive, we will not be able to give feedback to everyone. Someone from our A&R team will get in touch within 7-14 days, but ONLY if we feel that your demo is of interest to our label.
Before sending your demos, please read this first
- Get to know the sound of our label
- Demos should include minimum 2 tracks, unless you have arranged some remixes, if so, then please send them together with your original track, or let us know that remixes are in progress
- Dropbox or Google Drive links are the best, WeTransfer is not so good, as it expires too soon, Soundcloud is fine too, but make sure you set your demos as private and send us a private link
- Please let us listen to properly mixed-down demos, we can’t consider anything that is still unfinished or work in progress
- Finally, don’t forget to name your tracks and folders properly, so we know who the demos are from.